Bloomington Childbirth Postpartum Care

Excellent postpartum recovery and transition is vital for every mother and baby, and requires quiet and undisturbed surroundings. There is a strong emphasis in my practice on planning for a truly restful, well-supported postpartum. Recovering from childbirth and meeting an infant’s needs is a full-time job, whether it is a mother’s first baby, or her tenth.

Bloomington midwives Postpartum CareI see my clients as needed during this phase, at a minimum visiting on the first and third postpartum days, again at the 1-2 week mark, with a final meeting at six weeks. I perform all routine newborn screenings except for a hearing test (which I help make arrangements for), oversee the mother’s physical recovery and provide guidance as needed for breastfeeding, and track the baby’s growth and adaptation to life outside the womb. With postpartum depression recognized as the most common complication of childbirth, monitoring a mother’s emotional well-being is deeply important to me.

A good birth experience means little if a mother is not well cared for in its aftermath, whereas a difficult birth can be significantly redeemed if the first few weeks are handled with sensitivity.